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What are the two most common sid...

What are the two most common side effects of metformin?

Metformin is an oral medication used to treat type 2 diabetes and is generally well tolerated. Gastrointestinal upset, especially diarrhea, is the most common side effect. This usually decreases over time. Although rare, lactic acid can occur Acidosis, hypoglycemia and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Which is better, SGLT2 or GLP-1?

Both classes of drugs reduced all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and renal failure. SGLT2 inhibitors were more effective in reducing hospital admissions, and GLP-1 receptor agonists were more likely to reduce nonfatal stroke.

Does metformin have anti-aging effects?

Preliminary research suggests that metformin may actually slow aging and increase life expectancy by improving the body's responsiveness to insulin, antioxidant effects and improving vascular health. September 29, 2021

Can Metformin Cause Rapid Weight Loss?

Is metformin an effective weight loss drug? No, you may lose very little weight. In a diabetes prevention study, 29% of people lost 5% or more of their body weight, and only 8% lost 10% Around. 19 August 2021

What happens if a non-diabetic takes 糖尿病藥物?

Taking Medications

Taking diabetes medications when you are non-diabetic can cause significant changes in your body's blood sugar levels. You should not take any medications that are not suitable for you. Low blood sugar can also be caused by several antibiotics, pneumonia and malaria Drug side effects.

What are the two types of insulin?

Insulin type. Insulins are grouped according to how long they act in the body. Rapid or short-acting insulin helps lower blood sugar levels at mealtimes, while intermediate-acting or long-acting insulin helps manage the body's general needs. Both Helps control blood sugar levels.

What are the most common medications for diabetes?

Metformin (Fortamet, Glumetza, etc.) is usually the first drug used to treat type 2 diabetes. Its main action is to decrease glucose production in the liver and increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which allows the body to use insulin more effectively.

Which type of diabetes is the most serious?

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes can have very serious side effects if not well diagnosed or treated. One is no better or worse than the other. Both conditions require careful and careful management. If your cells do not get the sugars they need to function, and they start dying. February 8, 2021

Why is Glipizide preferred?

Glipizide may have a more rapid hypoglycemic effect and be eliminated more quickly than glibenclamide, suggesting that the risk of hypoglycemia may be lower. However, the difference in risk of hypoglycemia between the two drugs Has not been definitively confirmed.

Can You Live 30 Years With Diabetes?

It is well known that people with well-managed diabetes live full, full lives with a normal life expectancy.

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