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  • 足科醫生最推薦什麼鞋?


    New Balance。




    公司提供的標準加息在 7-22% 之間,但這不是強制性的。我已經看到員工在同一家公司獲得了大約 60-70% 的加薪。您將獲得的遠足取決於您的表現。如果您打算換公司,那麼您應該期望您的薪水至少增加 50%。











    最佳全能型。耐克性能訓練襪。 ...
    最適合遠足。丹麥耐力軟墊登山襪。 ...
    最適合跑步。 ...
    Gold Toe 656s 運動襪。 ...
    Merrell 緩衝性能徒步襪。 ...
    Alvada 美利奴羊毛徒步襪。 ...
    Hanes FreshIQ 緩衝襪。 ...
    Thorlos Kx Max 緩衝襪。

    Dr. Martens 都防水嗎?

    不,大多數 Doc Martens 都不防水。這些時尚的鞋子經久耐用、堅固且舒適,但 Doc Marten 系列的大部分產品都不防水。但是,現在他們的產品系列中有一些完全防水的靴子。




  • 什麼堅果對脂肪肝有益?


    在所有類型的堅果中,核桃是對减少脂肪肝最有益的。 這是由於它們的抗氧化劑和脂肪酸含量較高。 核桃含有最多的omega-6和omega-3脂肪酸,以及多酚抗氧化劑。


    紅肉也富含飽和脂肪,患有脂肪肝的人應該避免食用。 瘦肉如雞肉、魚、豆腐等應該是他們的首選。


    這被稱為酒精性脂肪肝,是ARLD的第一階段。 脂肪性肝病很少引起任何症狀,但這是一個重要的警告信號,表明你飲酒有害。 脂肪肝是可逆的。 如果你停止飲酒2周,你的肝臟應該會恢復正常。



    如果您的肝臟移植是由於酒精相關疾病造成的,您决不能再次飲酒,因為您可能會損害您移植的肝臟。 如果酒精被認為是導致肝臟疾病的原因,即使它不是主要原因,這也適用。



    眾所周知,綠茶具有許多營養價值,例如低熱量,並且具有抗氧化作用。 為了有益於肝臟健康,儘量避免喝含糖的茶。 綠茶以某種形式服用時,可能對身體有害。


    例如,高脂肪飲食可能導致大便比正常情况下粘稠。 這是因為多餘的脂肪——超出身體正常吸收的脂肪——最終會進入你的大便,使其變得更厚、更粘稠。 脂肪大便可能是飲食中脂肪過多的暫時副作用。



    當肝臟負擔過緊,囙此無法正確代謝營養素和脂肪時,它會减慢代謝,導致更嚴重的健康問題以及體重增加和嗜睡。 2021 10月8日


    小心飲酒。 如果你認為只有終生醉酒才會導致肝硬化,那你錯了


    飽和脂肪對肝臟來說很難處理。 限制高脂肪肉類,如香腸、培根、義大利臘腸和熱狗。 此外,避免食用全脂牛奶、霜淇淋和起司等高脂肪乳製品,因為它們含有高濃度的飽和脂肪。


    美國成癮中心首席醫療官勞倫斯·溫斯坦醫學博士告訴WebMD Connect to Care:“雖然有很多變數,但通常每晚喝酒並不一定等同於酒精使用障礙,但它會新增與酒精相關的健康問題的風險。”。 2021 2月3日

  • Southeast Asia to Latin America,...


    More and more players are entering the social commerce arena, especially in markets such as Southeast Asia, Latin America and India, where the scale of social commerce is gradually increasing and where companies are beginning to explore viable business models in an attempt to gain broader growth opportunities. So how is social commerce in Southeast Asia and other places, driven by various factors, developing?

    In Bangalore, Anu runs an offline jewelry store that bears her name. Around the world, there are more stores like Anu's than can be counted. And many of them have lost their stores due to misjudgment of inventory.

    Anu, on the other hand, found another way. She found that by relying on WhatsApp, she was able to contact suppliers at any time, receive photos of new products, and sell them through WhatsApp. It's a quick way to make traditional retail business easy and fast 樂天集運 there are few sellers like Anu trying to sell from zero inventory in countries around the world, and it's flourishing all over the world, not just in India.

    Today, Anu in the Philippines can try to open a store based on Resellee, while Anu living in Latin America can choose Elenas to build their own stores, and then find a steady stream of orders through social networks such as Facebook and Whatsapp.

    In Southeast Asia, Latin America, India and other markets, this social e-commerce business model is becoming one of the key online shopping methods for locals. In tier 2 and 3 cities, a large number of customers' shopping requirements are not met by e-commerce platforms, and people spend a lot of time on Facebook, TikTok, Whatsapp and their popular local social platforms, where they not only swipe videos and play games based on these platforms, but now also rely on them to shop and share tree planting products and services with friends and family.

    ChiboTang, managing partner of GobiPartnersGBA, has revealed that social e-commerce sales reached $474 billion in 2021. Another data organization Statista estimates that the social e-commerce market will grow to $2.9 trillion by 2026, up from $958 billion in 2022. And by 2028, the figure will increase to $3.37 trillion.

    Therefore, the market dividend, a steady stream of entrepreneurs and assets are pouring into the social e-commerce runway, a social e-commerce battle for supremacy opened up.

    I. Meesho copy Meesho

    In the global social e-commerce platform, Meesho from India is as famous as Jindo.

    Founded in 2015, Meesho means "my store" in the local language. Initially, Meesho relied on sellers like Anu, who bought products from resellers and sold them through WhatsApp and Facebook group chats. This model quickly helped Meesho build a large marketing network, i樂天JAPAN millions of Indian social merchants with a large number of dispersed goods and service providers, and providing tools for logistics, payments, and more.

    The Chinese market is no stranger to Meesho's business model, and Meesho's China insiders have told the media that Meesho is more like a domestic pool in the Indian market.

    Only, no one had predicted that Meesho could reach the scale it has today by relying on these merchants alone. During the new crown epidemic period, Meesho quickly had 120 million monthly active users (MAU) in a short period of time. In contrast, Flipkart and Amazon, India's popular e-commerce platforms, have about 200 million registered users. By today, orders from Meesho account for about 2.7 million of the 9 million daily e-commerce orders processed in India, while the two giants account for 5 million.

    In March 2022, it was announced that Meesho was planning to go public in early 2023. Recently, its Chief Experience Officer MeghaAgarwal also highlighted that Meesho plans to be profitable within 1 to 2 years.

    However, instead of limiting its sights to within India, Meesho has set its sights on the world early on, opening up the journey to copy Meesho.

    In 2020, Meesho's overseas social e-commerce investment layout was the first to come to Latin America, participating in the seed round of financing for Elenas, a Latin American social e-commerce platform.

    Similar to Meesho, Elenas works with both local factories and buyers, and has built a marketing network of over 20,000 people. Users use Elenas to select the products they want to sell, and then Facebook and Whatsapp the details of the product descriptions, photos, etc. Once an order is placed, the supplier is able to deliver the package to the customer through a partner logistics company. in March 2021, the platform received another $6 million in Series A funding and expanded further from Colombia to Mexico.

    The penetration of e-commerce in Latin America is extremely low, but due to the sharing nature of Latin Americans, sales are still based on a very traditional direct sales approach - people order products from magazines shared by their friends. As a result, there is a lot of potential for social commerce, with data showing that in 2021, social commerce user penetration in Brazil and Mexico, the two largest economies in Latin America, will be 38.7% and 30.9%, respectively.

    In September 2021, Meesho landed in neighboring Southeast Asia, and in September 2021, Kitabeli, an Indonesian social commerce platform, revealed that it had raised another asset in the context of a $10 million Series A round six months earlier, with investors including Meesho founders Vidit Aatrey and Sanjeev Barnwal. A year later, Kitabeli closed another $20 million round of funding.

    Kitabeli co-founder and CEOPrateekChaturved shows that the e-commerce markets in India and Indonesia have a lot in common, for example, e-commerce in tier 2 cities is not developed enough compared to tier 1 cities, "We found that users in these smaller towns are generally shopping online for the first time, possessing a non-face-to-face buying and selling insecurity, and need help and guidance in using various roles."

    As a result, KitaBeli has incorporated social features into its app, such as Mitras agents, 樂天集運 and group buys.KitaBeli's key sales currently come from FMCG products, including rice, oil, sugar, milk and personal care products. Customers are able to share shopping connections with friends and receive certain rewards after placing an order. chaturvedi indicates that, based on DTC's operating model, the business hopes to develop user habits. It is understood that the average value of orders on the platform is currently between $5 and $10, generally for group purchases of 5 to 25 people.