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  • How do pirates say yes sir?

    How do pirates say yes sir?

    Aye aye! – [Yes sir." Arrr! – [Arrr!" can mean a variety of things including [yes," [I agree," [I'm happy as a clam," [I'm enjoying this rum," etc.

    Why do you wax a boat hull?

    A proper waxing not only keeps a boat looking sharp, but it's also part of the routine cleaning process that helps prevent dirt and grime from permanently abrading or staining visible surfaces. Most boaters only wax their entire boat at the beginning and/or end of the season.

    Do employees hook up on cruise ships?

    Sex among cruise-ship workers is pervasive, current and former cruise-ship employees told Business Insider. Some compared the hookup culture as being similar to, or even exceeding, that of a college dorm. But the permissive sexual culture on cruise ships can also lead to aggressive or inappropriate behavior.

    Why is toilet water the cleanest?

    The water in your toilet bowl is cleaner than in your sink. This is because the water in your toilet bowl is constantly being flushed, which means that any dirt or bacteria is quickly removed. However, the water in your sink is not constantly moving, providing a perfect environment for bacteria to grow.

    What is TBM and CBM in TPM?

    Examples of specific-based technique are time-based maintenance (TBM) and condition-based maintenance (CBM).ROV vessel clean

    Why is Maldives water so clear?

    Maldives water is known for its abundance of coral reefs. The waters of Maldives are known to consist of coral reefs and [phytoplankton" which absorbs blue and green colours from the sunlight due to which it causes clean water and you can see crystal clear reflection.

    How does the sea clean itself?

    The oceans and seas clean themselves by several mechanisms, and in fact we mimic some of these in the processes we use to clean our own human wastes. The first and easy physical process is 'settling'. Many contaminants lose their buoyancy and sink to the bottom where an independent set of processes take place.ROV boat clean

    Does pressure washing damage decks?

    One of the quickest ways to do damage to your deck is by blasting it with a high-pressure power washer. Using too much pressure can scar the wood, leaving unsightly marks.

    How often should I clean the bilge?

    Even if you don't want to go down there, your bilge is amongst the most important places on the boat. You should thoroughly clean and inspect the bilge after every trip, or at least once a month, to prevent any catastrophic issues.

    How do pirates say stop?

    avast. A command meaning stop or desist.